The First Three
October 2013
Aidric is growing so fast! He is quite tall and is now 8 years old. He is in a second grade ASD classroom and is doing very well. He receives speech and occupational therapy at school and works with an Applied Behavior Analyst twice a week at our home. We continue to keep him on a GF/CF diet and we are currently treating him with an intensive wholistic biomedical regiment. With the guidance of a wholistic pediatrician (DAN doctor), our goal is to bring his body to it's optimum health level so his brain can function at it's best. Aidric still struggles to have a conversation, ask questions or express his feelings, but his speech has improved quite a bit. On many levels he is still a toddler and needs constant supervision and instruction. He still loves to dance and run, and he learned to swim this summer!
Each and every day with Aidric is challenging and rewarding. He is funny, sweet, energetic and smart. He is loved fiercely by our family and our amazing support group. We will forever strive to meet his needs and continue the legacy his mother, Larsen, began. We couldn't do it without your help.
The Hunt family would like to thank all of you who think of us and pray for us throughout this difficult month. We are extremely grateful to those of you who feel led to donate. Thank you!
Blessings, Richard & Susan Hunt