Four Years
October 2014
Aidric is 9 now and we can't believe he is in the third grade! He is still attending public school and is currently in a self contained ASD classroom. He still receives speech and occupational therapy at school and works with his amazing Applied Behavior Analyst twice a week at our home. His GF/CF diet is going well and gets easier as time goes by (although it is quite expensive!). Aidric still suffers from an unhealthy gut that affects his behavior and ability to focus. We continue to work with his Wholistic Pediatrician to resolve this issue. Although he struggles with communicating and always mixes up his pronouns, Aidric's language skills are improving. We are hoping to add more Speech Therapy to help him improve even more. Our daily life consists of minute by minute working with him on language skills, social skills, listening skills, following 1 to 2 step directions, etc… He is learning to be affectionate and now says, “I love you” when he is in trouble! He still loves to dance, run, and swim. Since moving to the lake place we are thrilled to see him learn how to fish, dive and swing. Each and every day with Aidric is challenging and rewarding. He is funny, sweet, energetic and smart. We will continue to strive to meet his needs and continue what his mother, Larsen, began. We couldn’t do it without your help. The Hunt family would like to thank all of you who think of us and pray for us throughout the year. We are extremely grateful to those of you who feel led to donate. Thank you!
Richard & Susan Hunt