Five Years
October 2015
This has been a challenging year for Aidric. He is now 10 years old and in the 4th grade. Time sure flies by! It's hard to believe his Mom has been gone for 5 years. We miss her so much every single day and try to keep her memory alive for Aidric.
Aidric's newest obsession is leaf blowers... to be exact, backpack leaf blowers! It's kind of exciting to think that there may possibly be a job he can do when he becomes an adult. His behavior has become challenging this school year and we are struggling to try to figure out why.
With Aidric it is always a mystery that needs to be solved - the autism puzzle symbol is certainly accurate.
Recent visits to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist revealed a diagnosis of reflux esophagitis which explains a lot of Aidrics issues with pain, reflux and problems falling to sleep. After having an endoscopy, The results showed some erosion of his esophagus. We are following an 8 week regiment of meds to attempt to heal his esophagus. We are hoping this will also help with his behavior.
Your prayers are always greatly appreciated as we know that God hears our prayers and knows our needs. Our hearts are grateful for those of you who continue to donate to his Assistance Fund. Thank you and God bless you!
Richard and Susan Hunt