Eight Years
October 2018
We miss our daughter every day and strive to give her son what she would have given him. He fills our life with laughter, and wonder! Having a child with special needs can be exhausting and expensive. We are always shy about asking for donations - everyone has been so wonderful! But, Aidric is falling behind academically and still has various health problems that are requiring us to use the Assistance Fund to pay for private tutors, Plexus supplements, special foods and medical specialists that don’t take his Medicaid insurance. It is such a blessing to have access to those funds, but his needs are seriously cutting into his balance in the fund. So, we need to swallow our pride and let people know that we need help because otherwise we can’t continue to afford what he needs. Thank you for any help you can give.
Richard and Susan Hunt
As this time of year approaches, we will provide updates on Aidric's life and my parent's journey of helping him through hormones, middle school and gasp GIRLS!!!! Aidric is 13 year old social butterfly and even though he has not forgotten about his first love, the lawn maintenance guys, he is very interested in owls right now. If you speak with him, please do not get sucked into the barred vs barn owl debate...you will not win. Halloween is one of his favorite holidays. He loooooves anything spooky and can't wait to dress up and go trick or treating. Last I heard, he wants to be a zombie but he is quick to change his mind so I'm sure we will all be surprised.... Aidric still finds himself hilarious and will take any opportunity to be silly and to make everyone around him laugh! He still attends weekly therapies and usually cooperates well. As always, these therapies are expensive and we ask that if you can donate using the button on this page, please do! Aidric is thriving and we need to continue with his routines to make sure he continues on the best path! Every little bit helps.Larsen’s Sister,