Nine Years
October 2019
A quick update on Aidric and his progress; He is now in the 8th grade and 14 years old. We can hardly believe that he will be in high school next year!! It’s such a relief that he is doing much better in school this year. Because of many episodes of aggressiveness and violent tantrums we decided to put him on medication to help with the ADHD and aggressiveness. It seems to have taken the edge off. It was a hard decision because we are not advocates of medicating kids, but his metabolism combined with puberty was causing unbearable situations at school and home. We are continuing ABA for 4 hours a week, Speech 1 hour each week, and keeping him on a GF/sugar free diet. It feels like we are feeding him 24/7. He is hungry all the time and growing so fast! He is now 5’7” and 110 lbs. Aidric is still very social and his conversational speech is slowly improving. He still cannot read or write very well and struggles with processing issues. We looks forward to the little miracles that appear here and there, but are realizing that he will always need care and will not be able to live independently as an adult. Although this realization is sad, it is a reality we have to accept and prepare for. We are grateful beyond measure for those who reach out to help. We send up prayers to others who are struggling to raise special needs kids. It is not an easy life, but we trust in God every step of the way!
Richard and Susan Hunt